One or two Garthia (Squamata, Phyllodactylidae) species? Morphological and distributional evidence, and updated distribution map


  • Jorge Mella Ávila Universidad de Chile


In Chile, native geckos include three genera, of which the only endemic is Garthia, whose number of species is controversial. The historical records of Garthia in Chile were reviewed, both from the scientific literature and from the iNaturalist online platform. A morphological and distributional comparison was made, using the available validated photographs, among morphs associated with Garthia gaudichaudii and G. penai. 169 georeferenced points were obtained, associated with 63 locations between the south of the Antofagasta Region and the center of the Valparaíso Region. The results obtained allow us to suggest that there is only one species within the genus: G. gaudichaudii, which shows morphological variation, with three morphs, where the “penai” morph would be very rare. However, this needs to be confirmed with a molecular and morphometric analysis. With this background, an updated distribution map for Garthia was produced, including a new northern limit.


Distribution, gecko, morph, morphology, reptiles


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